FlyBy_1 Posts: 3
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Hi, same question here.
Some years ago I downloaded some (for me) new stuff from Your site and it was marvelous. Now I stumbled over my old ftp-program and would like to upload some stuff to complete Your discographys. Connection attempt failed albeit using upload_public / temporary . That`d be my only way to participate and thank this community, having no russian read/write skills unfortunately... except:
Posts: 444
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FlyBy_1 Hello! Thank you for your feedback. Right now upload_public account is disabled, we will enable it back this week. I'll post the info about uploading music in this topic in a nearest few days.
FlyBy_1 Posts: 3
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No problem eternity, we all have a real life to live, after all. But I`m getting "530 Login authentication failed" message when using the credentials mentioned in the FAQ. Am I doing something wrong ?
FlyBy_1 Posts: 3
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No problem eternity. I started some ULs today, strangely it doesn`t seem to take zips but creates empty folders of them. Not sure if this due to my program (old FlashFXP version), my Windows 7 OS or Your server... anyway I was able to delete them from Your server. So I wrapped all zips into rar files and am currently ULing. Hope that double packing is OK, next time I`ll know better and make rar files directly.