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Now on air:
Dark Tranquillity
Remain in the Unknown


We've just moved to a new server. Forum might have some issues but we're fixing this. FTP server and the whole archive are disabled, forums and radio are online.

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Heavy Music Archive exists since 2003. It is one of the most popular and largest web-projects about metal in a web.
The flexible search system allows you to easily browse bands using various criterias: by country, by genres, band name, status ...
You may combine different search criterias and filter results, limiting them to show only the recently updated bands.
Fully redesigned interface brings you a new way browsing band's discographies, getting it's common information and upcoming gigs. A brand new feature allows you to find similar bands in one touch.
On the album page you can see information about this album, it's tracklist and duration as well as go to the neighboring albums.
A new version of our engine allows you to listen album's tracks directly in your browser or even download the whole album in one click.
We are one of the leading media partner for booking agencies, which work in Russia.
Our photographers work on the most interesting gigs to bring you an opportunity to feel a power of a concert and share it with your friends.
Heavy Music Atmospheric Radio works since 2005 and for many years encouraged his listeners to a special format of this station.
An unusual atmosphere is one of special features of our station, thanks to which we have maintained its constant audience of listeners.
In the recent versions of engine we added possility to listen radio directly from your browser.
Every registered user has it's own profile on the HMA.

It also contains information about user's musical preferences, visited and upcoming gigs etc...
Our forums have a wide functionality, including PM and integration with
HMA Mobile allows you to stay in touch anytime, everywhere. You may use most of the features under a special web-interface, adapted for your device.

Mobile version also can be useful when you are using a slow or limited brandwidth, so as practically consumes no traffic. To enter at mobile version from the compute please use:
Heavy Music Archive Mobile supports the most popular mobile OSes: iOS, Android, WP7, Meego, WebOS, Blackberry...
Powered by Heavy Music Archive Engine 2.61
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