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#197668 15.03.2016 00:34

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Авторы чрезвычайно прекрасного лонгплэя в лучшем жанре на свете - TDM.
Ни в каких превью и рассусоливаниях, есесн, не нуждаются.
HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#197696 15.03.2016 02:23

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Слышал и лицезрел сих седобрадых корифеев воочию не далее как летом года 2015 от Рождества Христова. Нихрена не понял, но проникся.
#197704 15.03.2016 09:41

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TDM wrote:Ни в каких превью и рассусоливаниях, есесн, не нуждаются.

Чо это, я как пионёр и шкёлота впервые слышу, например.

Логотип крутой, альбом слушаю.

UPD. Ласты же сообщают, что я нагло вру, слушал я уже Demilich в 2010-м ажно году - можно понять, хули я ничего не помню.
#197721 15.03.2016 13:51

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Хуйня этот Демилич, послушать и забыть, что Пух и сделал ещё в далёком 2010-м.
#197725 15.03.2016 14:58

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ddx1 wrote:послушать и забыть

Да, послушал и - не побоюсь этих слов - собираюсь в скором времени забыть снова.

Апдейте тему лет через 6, если здравы будете. Не то, что группа.
#197728 15.03.2016 16:24

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Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Very rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: See below
Diet: Nil
Intelligence: Supra-genius (19-20)
Treasure: Z
Alignment: Any evil
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: See below
Movement: See below
Hit Dice: See below
THAC0: 9
No. of Attacks: See below
Damage/Attack: See below
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: See below
Size: M (6' tall)
Morale: Fanatic (17-18)
XP Value: 10,000
The demilich is not, as the name implies, a weaker form of the lich. Rather, it is the stage into which a lich will eventually evolve as the power which has sustained its physical form gradually begins to fail. In most cases, all that remains of a demilich's body are a skull, some bones, and a pile of dust.
When it has learned all that it feels it can in its undead life, the lich will continue its quest for power in strange planes unknown to even the wisest of sages. Since it has no use for its physical body at this point, the lich leaves it to decay as it should have done centuries ago.
If the final resting place of a demilich's remains are entered, the dust which was once its body will rise up and assume a man-like shape. In the case of the oldest demiliches (25%), the shape will advance and threaten, but dissipate without attacking in 3 rounds unless attacked. Younger demiliches (75%) still retain a link to their remains, however, and will form with the powers of a wraith. This dust form cannot be turned. In addition, it can store energy from attacks and use this power to engage its foes. If the dust form is attacked, each point of damage which is delivered to it is converted to an energy point. Since the demilich will fall back and seem to suffer injury from each attack (though none is actually inflicted), its attackers are likely to press on in their attempts to destroy it. Once the demilich has acquired 50 energy points, it will assume a manifestation which looks much like the lich's earlier undead form and has the powers and abilities of a ghost, but which cannot be turned.
If anyone touches the skull it will rise into the air and turn to face the most powerful of the intruders (a spell user will be chosen over a non-spell user). Instantly, it unleashes a howl which acts as a death ray, affecting all creatures within a 20' radius of the skull. Those who fail to save vs. death are permanently dead.
On the next round, the demilich will employ another manner of attack. In order to attain the status of a demilich, a lich must have replaced 5-8 (1d4+4) of its teeth with gems. Each of these gems now serves as a powerful magical device which can trap the soul of its adversaries. The physical body of someone hit with the demilich's spell collapses and rots away in a single round. Once it has drained the life essence from the most powerful member of the party, the skull sinks back to the floor. If it continues to be challenged, the demilich can repeat this attack until all of its gems are filled. An amulet of life protection will prevail over the gem, but the character's body will perish regardless.
In addition to the attacks mentioned above, a demilich can also pronounce a powerful curse on those who disturb it. These can be so mighty as to include: always being hit by one's enemies, never making a saving throw, or the inability to acquire new experience points. Demilich curses can be overcome with a remove curse, but the victim loses one point of charisma permanently when the curse is removed.
The skull of a demilich is Armor Class -6 and has 50 hit points. It can be affected by spells in only a few ways: a forget spell will cause it to sink down without attacking (either by howling or draining a soul), a dispel evil will do 5-8 (1d4+4) points of damage to it, a shatter spell will inflict 3-18 (3d6) points of damage to it, a holy word pronounced against it will deliver 5-30 (5d6) points of damage, and a power word kill spell cast by an ethereal or astral wizard will cause the skull to shatter (destroying it).
Most weapons will be unable to harm the skull of a demilich, but there are exceptions. A fighter or ranger with a vorpal sword, sword of sharpness, sword +5, or vorpal weapon can inflict normal damage on the skull, as can a paladin with a vorpal or +4 weapon. Further, any character with a +4 or better weapon or a mace of disruption can inflict 1 point of damage to the skull each time he strikes it.
Upon the destruction of the skull, those who have been trapped inside the gems must make a saving throw vs. spell. Those who fail are lost forever, having been consumed by the demilich to power its magical nature. If the character survives, the gem glows with a faint inner light, and true seeing will reveal a tiny figure trapped within. If the throw is made the soul can be freed by simply crushing the gem. A new body must be within 10 yards for the soul to enter or it will be lost. Such a body might be a clone or simulacrum . (See spells of those names.)
If the fragments of the destroyed skull are not destroyed by immersion in holy water and the casting of a dispel magic the demilich will reform in 1-10 days.
#197730 15.03.2016 16:28

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Евгений любит что-то финское?
#197731 15.03.2016 16:31

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Могу сказать наверняка - Rippikoulu.
#197742 15.03.2016 18:42

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PoohCunt wrote:Могу сказать наверняка - Rippikoulu.

А кто это?
HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#197858 16.03.2016 09:31

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TDM, кхм
#197907 17.03.2016 00:16

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PoohCunt wrote:TDM, кхм

переслушал, тоже суровые финские парни, как и сабж
люблю обоих
HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
#197923 17.03.2016 10:23

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у них, кстати, в 2014 EP вышла, но там мало и грустно
#239914 1.02.2022 15:11

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Ну это конечно вообще смесь жесткая!
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#239918 1.02.2022 20:04

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PoohCunt wrote:Апдейте тему лет через 6

stepan322 wrote:Ну это конечно вообще смесь жесткая!

Бля, 5 лет и 11 месяцев)
#239919 2.02.2022 19:02

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HMA Southern/Stoner Squad
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